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Americanjobs.com has been connecting people with jobs for more than 17 years. With over 4 million openings, advanced job matching technology, and the best career enhancing tools and services on the Internet, Americanjobs.com is a trusted destination for millions of job seekers nationwide. While most job sites match people to jobs using basic profile information, Americanjobs.com's members receive unique and targeted opportunities based on their uploaded resume. The end result being a better matching job for the job seeker and a more qualified candidate for the employer. Want to see how it works? Upload your resume now.
For employers, Americanjobs.com provides affordable recruitment marketing solutions for companies of all sizes. From an in-demand, diverse job seeker base of candidates, to flexible package options, we make it easy to hire quality talent for less. Americanjobs.com delivers better applicants by aligning our jobs with candidates who have the most relevant skills and qualifications on their resume. Employers and sourcers can post jobs, which we'll post to our network of job sites reaching millions of job seekers actively seeking new positions. Visit Employer Pricing to learn more.
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